Tail Movement Guide

Tail Movement Guide

Tail Animations

Thanks to Saenomae, we now have tail animations for most races!

This requires IVCS Skeleton to be installed. This should be enabled around priority 1 in your default collection.

Miqo'te and Au Ra have tail animations - but for every other race, you will need to choose between either tail weights or skirt weights option.

Skirt weights can be used with no extra installs. They will move like how a skirt would.

Tail weights require extra animation installs. I will leave links to each race down below:


Miqo'te - 2 options:

  1. Vanilla animations
  2. Tailsway (1, 2, 3)

Au Ra - 2 options:

  1. Vanilla animations
  2. Tailsway

Viera - this is the only female race without tailsway animations. You can choose one of two options:

  1. Use Earwiggles + Skirt Weights option.
  2. Use Everyone's Emotes and change all your animations to Miqo'te/Au Ra.


Miqo'te - 2 options:

  1. Vanilla animations
  2. Tailsway (1, 2, 3)

Viera - 2 options:

  1. Use Earwiggles + Skirt Weights option.
  2. Use Everyone's Emotes and change all your animations to Miqo'te/Au Ra.
  • Au Ra - Vanilla animations
  • Midlander, Highlander, Elezen, Roegadyn - Use Everyone's Emotes and change all your animations to Miqo'te/Au Ra.
  • Lalafell - Tailsway
  • Hrothgar - Vanilla animations

Changing Ribbon & Ear Flap color

Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8Wt3dBC_8A

Earring Compatibility

Guide: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XxZnvPfs3sQ5zce-OstxduI1nGWW28En/view?usp=drive_link

Item Swap

You can swap Tail, Ear, Headpiece and Earring to other numbers/items.

Penumbra: note that the earrings can swap to other earrings, or between slots to other accessories.

Female Miqo'te - Vanilla Ears

Vanilla ears are split into 2 parts: Ear fluff, and ear skin.

Here is how to remove them:

Ear Fluff:

  • Use earless hairs, or use this mod for vanilla hairs.

Ear Flap:

  • If you use a vanilla face - use this ear flap hider mod.
  • If you use a sculpt - please check with your sculpt's description for how to hide the ear flap.
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